Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Thanks For The Happy Birthday

Sixty nine years ago abortions were not legal. Of course that did not stop some from obtaining them, but it was certainly not as prevalent as today.  Birth control was also not quite as acceptable or easy attainable.  Sixty nine years ago you say.  Why would anyone want to compare today with that long ago?

A mother of two daughters, and a husband prone to drinking and struggling to stay employed might cause a mother today to consider an abortion for her third child. Especially since she is fed lies after lies about it being ok, legal and easy.  I am not saying, nor do I believe my mother would have chosen a quick fix of abortion or even birth control had it been so easily available as today.  What I am saying is that many today will choose to end a life and not think twice about what God would have them do. 

Laws that would stop abortion would certainly save many lives, and we should never stop promoting a change in our government, but getting to the hearts of men and women so they will see that legal does not always mean right, is what the PRC is all about.

 We are working to establish relationships with local churches, because we believe this is where God’s resources are that will change hearts and minds about the evils of the abortion industry.  We have a list of over 200 churches in our area.  Our board of directors have taken on the task of creating a relationship with them through the pastor, mission director, youth director, or member.  We call this person a church liaison.  If you would be interested in being a liaison for your church, please call the office and we will direct you to the board member who is heading up the group your church is in.

At the Center last week on Saturday our training for Receptionists went very well.  With two in attendance we were able to cover a lot of our receptionist and counselor procedures along with delving into the Intimacy before Impact manual.

Not to toot my horn about my birthday, but hey so glad God has chosen to give me another year.  Today God used this special day to cause a miracle and we don’t even know what else.  Nurse Becky came to the Center today to bring me a gift.  “Oh how sweet, you really didn’t have to do that.” I said.  Well looks like she did have to do it and it was all for good.

While Becky was here a mother and daughter came to the front door.  When I went to the door the mother was almost in tears and said, “I know you are closed but is there any way you can do a test for my daughter who may be pregnant, we really just need to know for sure.”

I was just about to say no you will need to make an appointment, when I realized Becky was here and if she could stay a few minutes we could do the test.

While the test was being completed I talked with this sweet 15 year old high school student, my heart went out to her.  As with all clients I asked her the question “Do you know if you were to die today you would be with God in heaven?”  Her answer was no, so we went over the Do You Know Booklet and then she prayed to receive Christ.  I asked her if she really understood, and that it was very important that she meant it.  She assured me that she did.  So we are praising God for her new life in Christ. 

After our session, nurse Becky came back to speak with her and her mother about the possibility of her having an ectopic or tubal pregnancy, and that she should see a doctor as soon as possible, and since she was having some bleeding and pains she recommended she go directly to the emergency room.  Her mother began to cry and we tried to encourage her that it would be alright and to please call us after she was done at the ER.  Please be praying with us about this young girl.

Thank you God for impressing on Nurse Becky to bring me a birthday gift today, and praise God for this young girl placing her trust in Jesus Christ today.  This is her spiritual birthday and as she signed her little spiritual birth certificate I told her tomorrow was my birthday and we would always share this date as a special day.

Coming up:
On October 17th we will have our next Saturday training.  This will be focused on our Student Outreach ministry.  But if you would like to get involved in the Student Outreach before that day, please call the office.  We will be joining with the FCA on October 5th to meet with the FCA leaders in the local schools to discuss planning a big abstinence rally.  We will be feeding approximately 40 students and sharing information about the Center with them.  Would love to have you come be a part of this and we look forward to working with FCA in some very exciting things pertaining to abstinence training for our local high school students.

October 1-3, a group of 5 ladies will be going to the Sound the Call Pregnancy Center conference presented by Florida Baptist Children’s Home.  We will be going to Lake Yale conference center in Leesburg Florida.  Please be praying for our safety and that God will renew our minds as to new and better ways we can minister to those in need in our area.  The Center will not be taking appointments on Thursday, Oct. 1 as our Thursday nurses and counselors will be going to this conference.

Run Baby Run applications are available on our facebook page.  Some have voiced that it is hard to find our page, but if after you log in to your facebook account do a search for friends and enter Pregnancy Resource Center and our page should come up.  Also check your newsletter for ways you can give to the Center through Amazon and Goodsearch.

Our first Banquet Committee meeting is set for Friday, October 30 at 8:30AM.  Last week’s email gave instructions on what areas we are in need of.  So please mark your calendar if you want to be a part of this important part of this ministry.

Last year about this time, I spoke at St. John’s Catholic Church.  The following week a sweet lady came to the Center and said she wanted to talk about volunteering.  When I learned she was a nurse I was thrilled.  After she came a couple of weeks, I learned that one of our nurses who had been signed up to do the ultrasound training had dropped out due to illness.  I asked this new nurse if she would be interested.  She accepted and when January came she went through the ultrasound training.  Then she followed up with Dr. Ingram’s training and became a very dependable nurse with the training needed for our ultrasound ministry.

We had four nurses go through the ultrasound training.  Two left un-expectantly, and one did not complete her training.  That left one, but this one nurse was very faithful and dedicated to this ministry.  It soon became very evident that she would make an excellent Nurse Manager and was offered the position.

Becky Byron has been the most energetic, dedicated, and exciting nurse manager anyone could ever ask for.  She is always here early and willing to stay late.  She is always looking for more information about pre-natal care and stays on top of all our medical needs.  She cleans and does things way out of her job description without one complaint.

Today God used her as He has many times before to help a woman or girl who is in distress, or even considering abortion.  She loves these women who come to us for help.  She is truly a god-send and we are so thankful for Nurse Becky at the PRC.

“In the way of righteousness there is LIFE and along that path is immortality.”   Proverbs 12:28 (NIV)

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