Thursday, September 24, 2015

No Other Gods

The cool mornings have reminded us that Fall is coming, but we are also reminded that living in paradise sometimes means it is later than in most places. So we keep the AC going and enjoy the cool mornings more than

most people. Isn’t this just how God works. I know warm fall weather is not really a problem, but doesn’t it help us appreciate the cool times even more? From the words of a song our choir once sang, “If we didn’t have a problem, we wouldn’t know God could solve em.” Praise God he answers our prayers, solves our problems and supplies all our needs.

This week at PRC we have enjoyed working hard to get the newsletter ready to mail and getting 250 baby bottles ready for pickup. The client load was light, and, I believe, that was God giving us a little breather to get some office work completed. However, we were reminded on Thursday that we are not only in the fight for life, but that we continue daily in a spiritual battle.

On our intake forms there is place where clients can check what religion they considered themselves. One of the check boxes is next to WICCA. It was surprising to see two clients on Thursday, who did not know one another, had both checked this box. I knew that Wicca was just another name for witchcraft, and that it is perpetuated by Satan himself, but in order to understand it a little better I did a search on Wikipedia and this is what I found:

“Wicca is typically duotheistic, worshipping a Goddess and a God. These are traditionally viewed as the Moon Goddess and the Horned God, respectively. These deities may be regarded in a henotheistic way, as having many different divine aspects which can in turn be identified with many diverse pagan deities from different historical pantheons. For this reason, they are sometimes referred to as the "Great Goddess" and the "Great Horned God", with the adjective "great" connoting a deity that contains many other deities within their own nature. These two deities are sometimes viewed as facets of a greater pantheistic divinity, which is regarded as an impersonal force or process rather than a personal deity. While duotheism or bitheism is traditional in Wicca, broader Wiccan beliefs range frompolytheism to pantheism or monism, even to Goddess monotheism.”

One of the clients refused to discuss God and although she signed up for Earn While You Learn classes, stated she would not be attending the Bible studies. The other client was open to hearing the gospel and listened intently to the counselor. She also signed up for classes and stated she may attend the Bible study class. Please be praying for these two women, that Jesus would rebuke Satan while they are with us and that their eyes will be opened to the truth.

“And God spake all these words, saying, I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
Exodus 20:1-3 (KJV)

The newsletters went out yesterday (Thursday). You should have yours in your mailbox today. If you do not receive it, please let us know, so we can correct our mailing list to include you.

Coming up:
Tomorrow our Saturday training will be from 8:30 (breakfast) to 12N. We have three new volunteers signed up to attend and we will be focusing our training on what a receptionist does at the Center and then we will cover information about how to welcome and know who our clients are. The position of receptionist is very important as she is the first to greet the client and although she may or may not have the opportunity to counsel her, she needs to know how to relate to her, as well as the policies and procedures of the Center as they pertain to our office administration. If you are not signed up and want to attend, please come on. We would love to have you.

Our next Saturday training will be in October. The present date is set for the 17th. We will then focus on our Student Outreach ministry. We are presently working to get schools lined up for our lunch room presentations and should have a list by that day. If you would like to be a part of this part of our ministry, don’t miss this training. We will also be discussing ways we can reach our youth through churches and youth organizations. If you have ideas on this subject or want to work toward reaching our youth, please plan to make this training.

Run Baby Run is set for October 24. Check out the information on our facebook page, call us for information or call Living Word Fellowship church to register for this run. This will be a fun time of fellowship and exercise. All proceeds will come to the Pregnancy Center.

Our first Banquet Committee meeting is set for Friday, October 30 at 8:30AM. If you are interested in helping with the planning of the banquet, please plan to attend. These are some areas we will be needing assistance with. Decorations, Table Hosts, Reservations Coordinator, Prayer Coordinator, Computer Coordinator, Telephone Callers, Program Coordinator, and oh yea did I say Table Hosts. Hope to see you at the meeting. Ladies, you know you like to plan special occasions, well here is your chance. This is fun and exciting, but more than that it is our biggest fund raiser of the year, and even more importantly than that - it is a time when our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is lifted up and glorified. For truly all of this cannot be done, or held together without Him.

Ultrasound update:
We are still working toward getting a new ultrasound and our Go Fund Me account is still in force. However, if you wish to donate to this fund you can do like some have done already, and send your donation directly to us. We presently have $1500 toward our goal of $25K with some grants that we are praying will come in. Please pray with us about this new machine. Our current machine is getting grainier and grainier.

To shift gears now, I want to tell you about another one of our very special ladies here at PRC. She is so very faithful to her commitment to the Center. Since I came in 2012 there have only been one or two Wednesday mornings she has been out, I can always know she will be ready and teaching her class of pregnant or new moms. Her heart is with these ladies and it shows. She has nothing but love and respect for and from her students.

Yes in 1983 Karen Napier was one of the founders of Bay County Crisis Pregnancy Center, now known as
The Pregnancy Resource Center of Panama City. She has been here through four Directors and countless volunteers, and many, many changes. Some of these changes have been in our procedures. Some of them were good and some just didn’t fly. But Karen was always ready and willing to give it a try, no matter what my new way of doing things would be.

When someone donates a car seat that is in good condition, Miss Karen will take it and look it up on the internet and see if it is expired or had any recalls. Then she prints out the paperwork that goes with that particular model so we can be sure the seat is in nearly new condition before we let one of our moms have it.

Today she dropped off a couple of car seats and when I told her I would be writing about her, I asked if there was anything special she wanted me to say. She first said no, but then came back to say something very kind.. What she said was very sweet and humbling, but I must say, my admiration is so great for this strong, faithful woman of God.

I value her experience and godly wisdom and often call on her for help when a decision needs to be made concerning our students. She exhibits a spirit of love and at the same time knows just how to be fair yet firm. The PRC is privileged to have Karen Napier every Wednesday morning for our Earn While You Learn.
Sometimes I wish I were a little girl and could take ballet and be in Miss Karen’s class. I bet she is just as good at teaching ballet as she is at teaching pregnant moms and new moms how to be godly mothers.

God is soooo good!!!!

PS If you haven’t seen the movie “War Room”, GO SEE IT!!!! God is in that movie.

“Pray without ceasing” I Thess. 5:17 (KJV)

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