Saturday, January 28, 2017

Life Needs Planning

Some of you may know there has been some confusion about the date of the Prayer Breakfast.  It was decided on Friday that it would be on Saturday, March 18 and will be at the Landmark Activity Center. If someone does not contact you about this in the coming week, please call the Center and sign up. 

The success of our yearly banquet depends greatly on the table hosts.  If you are interested in sponsoring, or hosting a table at our yearly banquet, please call and let us know. Please be praying about how God can use you in 2017 at being a table host or in other ways to fight for life.

We want your baby’s old shoes!
This year’s theme at our yearly banquet is “Who Will Fill These Shoes?”  We will be using baby shoes to decorate our tables.  So, if you have old baby shoes, the ones that your child wore when he started walking, please bring them by and we will make them a part of this so important event.

Ultrasound Update
Last week we told you about the ultrasound warranty and how we are so thankful that if there was to be a problem it would be before the warranty is out.  Well we are again saying thank you to God, because the cost of the repair, if we had not be under warranty would have been $13K.  Therefore we are extending our warranty to include preventative maintenance so if this were to happen again it would be covered.  If you would like to help with the cost of this warranty, please make your contribution to the center and mark it for the extended warranty of the ultrasound machine.  The cost of the yearly warranty for our ultrasound machine will be $3500 a year.  We are trusting God to supply these funds, just as He has in the past.

Next Week
Please watch next week for the date of our next Volunteer Training. 
Look for your church in our list of churches who participated in the Sanctity of Human Life observance with the PRC.  We want to give them special thank you and recognition for their part in helping to perpetuate life.

Mark Your Calendar
Banquet Prayer Breakfast
March 18, 8:30 at Landmark Activities Center

MOPS Yard Sale
March 11
Bring your items the week before

Pregnancy Center Conferences
March 3-5
Columbus, Georgia
Please call for more information

Care-net National Conference
August 29-September 1, 2017
Washington DC
Please call for more information

 "Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and he will establish your plans." Proverbs 16:3

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