Sunday, March 20, 2016

Successes and Plans

The yard sale last week was a tremendous success.  $200 more was raised than last year and more than any year past.  Many bargains were found and the weather was perfect.  Thanks goes out to all the MOPS ladies who worked very hard to make this a great event.  Sorry I have no pictures available.  Hope to get them up later.

March 5 was the Table Host Prayer Breakfast.  The food was delicious, and everyone in attendance received their table host instructions.  We have received many table guest lists and are well on our way to getting table numbers assigned.  The best part of the morning, however, was the sweet prayer time as each table joined in one mind and one accord to lift up the banquet and the other needs of the PRC.

We want everyone to feel welcome to attend this year’s banquet, and as attempt to fill 40 tables.  However, if you want to attend this years banquet, please call and let us know.  Reservations are required because we must assign everyone to a specific table.  Table Hosts are urged to get their lists in as early as possible, and remember those who come in early will be placed closest to the front.

Upcoming events:
 April 7 - The Worlds’s Greatest Baby Shower sponsored by Healthy Start is set for April 7. Two or three ladies are needed to man a table and we always get to meet a lot of expectant moms who do not know about our services.  We give them a baby bottle and tell them to bring it back filled with change and we will give them a shopping spree in our Baby Boutique.  It will be at the First United Methodist Church from 4:30pm – 7:00pm.

Nurses training – Two nurses are scheduled to receive training to be certified to perform ultrasounds. Currently only Nurse Becky can perform ultrasounds, and it would help to have more nurses who are certified. If you are a nurse and want to be a part of this important ministry, please call the office.

Models for the ultrasound trainings are also needed.  If you are pregnant and want a free ultrasound, please call the office and talk with Nurse Becky about getting on the schedule for the training.

Abortion Recovery classes will be starting in April.  Anyone interested in attending these classes, please call the office to get on the list.  Classes will be held at 5:30 on Mondays for approximately six weeks.  If interested, please call to get on the list.  Please know all information is kept in strict confidence.

Attention all volunteers, it is that time of year again.  Each year we are required to do TB testing for all volunteers and staff who make contact with our clients.  Please check your box for a letter with instructions on what to do.  Also if you have any question, please call the office.

Sharing the gospel and saving babies is at the heart of our mission at PRC.  But often we are doubly blessed when we get to see transformed lives of the women and men who attend our Earn While You Learn classes and Bible Studies.  Recently a father professed his desire to follow Jesus and this Sunday one of our sweet clients has invited everyone to attend her baptism.  Please know that this dear mother has given her heart of Jesus and is taking this important step of baptism to proclaim to the world that she is committed to following Him.  If you attend First Baptist, maybe you can give her a hug and let her know how glad we are for her.She also shared that she will be dedicating her baby to the Lord on Baby Dedication day.

What a joy it is to see these women and watch as they change right before our eyes, and what an honor and privilege to be a part of this ministry.

“……. earthen pots have been filled with heavenly treasure, and ill weeds have been transformed into precious flowers. Dwell ye with the King for his work, and when he writes his chronicles your name shall be recorded.”

“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.”  Romans 12:2

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